Devon welcome message


Your Contact Details and Local Connection Information

Important: If we don't have your correct phone number or email address you could miss out on a home or have your application cancelled. Between 1 January 2023 and 30 June 2023 over 700 households missed out on a home because landlords were unable to contact them.


Whilst we aim to process New Applications and Changes within 20 working days, this may vary according to individual Local Authorities due to backlog. Thank you for your kind understanding.

Devon Home Choice Fraud Statement

What is Social Housing Fraud?
Social Housing Fraud is often referred to as Tenancy Fraud. There are several types, including:
• Unlawful subletting - where a tenant rents out their home without the knowledge or permission of the landlord
• Obtaining housing by deception - where a person gets a home by giving false information on their housing application

How we can help rough sleepers

How we can help rough sleepers

If you would like to tell us about a rough sleeper in your community please visit Street Link

Our teams of outreach workers and volunteers will find and engage with rough sleepers in a bid to help and encourage them off the streets. We provide practical help, including:

  • help into emergency accommodation

  • help into hostel accommodation, private rented or supported housing

Homes Coming Soon

New council and housing association homes are being built across Devon and will soon be available to let. PLEASE NOTE: You will need to be registered with DHC to bid for any Social and Affordable Rented homes as  these homes will be advertised through Devon Home Choice. Completion dates are estimated and may be subject to change.

Please click on the links below to find out about new homes being built in each of the local authority areas:

Contact us

Contact Devon Home Choice

Please note - If you currently live in Devon you should contact the local authority where you live. If you live outside Devon please contact the local authority where you would like to live. This will assist the local authorities in dealing with your request more efficiently.


Devon Tenancy Fraud Forum (DTFF)

DTFF is partnership between the majority of Local Authorities and Housing Associations in Devon. We are committed to working together in building processes and policies that will assist us in preventing and detecting fraud and pursuing those who would commit fraud; therefore maximising our resources and ensuring that the public retain confidence in our individual organisations.