What Supporting Evidence you may be asked to provide - PLEASE DO NOT UPLOAD THESE DOCUMENTS UNLESS REQUESTED

(You will be notified of which ones you will need to provide which could include a combination of the documents under each heading depending on your circumstances.)


Documents we need to confirm the identity of you and other members of your household.

ID – for you and your partner (ie Passport, driver’s licence Full/provisional, Citizen card

Full Birth Certificates for each child

Child Benefit award letter OR proof of payment going into your bank account - Prove you qualify for Child Benefit - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

National Insurance number if not shown on other documents (ie benefit letters, wage slips, P60)

Tenancy agreement or joint ownership confirmation such as mortgage statement or completion paperwork.

EU or EEA NATIONALS and your family members who have been granted pre-settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme and Other Nationalities

Provide a printed copy of your confirmation email from the Home Office confirming your status or provide your ‘share code’ from https://www.gov.uk/view-prove-immigration-status



Documents we need to see to confirm your current, or last settled address

Council Tax receipt /demands/ letters

Gas / Electric/Water rates bills

Letters from any benefit agency DWP or Housing Benefit with address and name listed

Make sure you provide contact details for your current/previous Landlord

Tenancy agreement for your current or last settled address

Joint Ownership confirmation such as mortgage statement or completion paperwork



We may need to see Income & financial details to help us assess what help to give you.

2 Months or 5 weeks pay slips or 2 months bank statement if paid directly

into your bank account

Bank statements for you and any partner on the application for the last 3 months

Information on any debts (Eg statements, repayment arrangements, letters from creditors)

Details and confirmation letters for any benefits received or proof of the benefit being paid into your bank account

Complete an income/expenditure form by going onto this link: Use our budget planner | MoneyHelper



If you have been given notice by a landlord

Notice to leave – This will be likely to be called a Section 21 notice or Section 8 notice

Letter to leave if you have a licence

Copy of your tenancy or licence agreement

Any letter/email written by the landlord to you for whatever reason

Any letter written by you to the landlord if you have complained about problems with the property

Tenancy deposit protection details given to you by the landlord if you paid the landlord a cash deposit

Energy Performance Certificate / Gas Certificate / How to Rent Booklet

Any paperwork you have received from the Court concerning any possession action taken by the landlord such as Court summons, particulars of claim notification form, or possession granted letter.

Any notice of eviction warrant from the Court Bailiff

Rent payments to the landlord ie. Rent book or if rent paid from bank account, bank statements. (Ie Universal Credit, ESA, PIP, Tax Credits)



If you want to leave because of problems with the property you live in

Any letter or emails sent to you or between you and your landlord

Anything else you think is important for us to see such as a Doctor’s letter/report on how the housing conditions where you live is impacting on your health or the health of anyone else in your family

Any Environmental Health involvement



If your housing problem is because of harassment / fear of violence

Copies of any Police reports

Police Crime Reference number / Named Police Officer

Any letters/emails from any Agency involved including your landlord if it is a Council or Housing Association property

Legal documents such as injunctions that you have ever obtained

Any letters/emails from your Solicitor if you have one

Any letters or emails from any Agency helping or supporting you

Anything else you think is important for us to see such as GP letters/emails on how the harassment / fear of violence is impacting your health



*Prison Leavers Only: Prison discharge papers and licence conditions.  Any letters from Probation or any service for offenders

*Armed Forces Only: Just left or recently left – Cessation of service documentation and any medical reports if you have left service due to or partly due to a medical condition 

Get a copy of military records of service: Apply for your own records - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)



For you or for any family member living with you

Details & medical reports for you or any member of your household for a current medical condition

Name & address of any support agency helping you or a family member

Name & address of any GP or consultant, any letters/reports from your Doctor, any health consultant or service

Details and any letter concerning any hospital treatment you have had in last 5 years

Copies of any current or recent repeat prescriptions

Contact details and any letters relating to any treatment you are currently receiving from any hospital or health consultant including your GP (Note you do not need to obtain a letter from your GP to bring to the appointment



Documents to confirm your pregnancy

Maternity pregnancy certificate

An official headed letter signed by your Doctor or Midwife

Copy of any letter from GP to the hospital seeking an appointment

Appointment for a scan and any scan details, letter from the hospital



What we need to see

Any Court decision/settlement setting out the arrangements for children

Any Solicitors letters/emails about the arrangements for children

Confirmation of Child Benefit or Child Tax Credits where this benefit is paid to you

Name & contact details for your children’s other parent where they part of the week or all week



If you own your home and your lender is taking possession action

All letters / emails from your lender including, if relevant to you, any second charge lender

Any Court papers

Any Eviction Warrant

Copies of recent Mortgage statements

Proof of any sale if you are selling it

Details of any Mortgage arrears


LOCAL CONNECTION (Proofs you may be asked to provide by our Partner Landlords at offer stage. Below is a list of examples but our Partner Landlords will provide you with further details of the types of proofs required at the time as part of their pre-tenancy checks):

Proof of Residency to area - 6 months out of 12 months or 3 years out of 5 years (e.g. Tenancy Agreement, Council Tax Bills, utility bills)

Proof of Immediate Family Members 5 years residency (e.g. Council Tax Bills, utility bills)

Evidence of relationship to Family Member (as referred to above) - (e.g. Full Birth Certificate, Marriage Certificate or Other suitable documents to verify the family connection)

Proof of Employment - Permanent Full or Part Time (at least 16 hours per week) to match criteria as stated on the advert (e.g. Employment Contract, Payslips, P60s)